martes, julio 19, 2005

making decisions.....

decisions... there are certain decisions that we have to make in life. sometimes those decisions can be tough since it involves your long term plans and it may affect the people around you.. decisions depend mainly on what you want and what you need to do.. its very easy to say that you have already made your decision but its harder to make the decision itself.. people around you such as your friends and family can help you make up your mind but in the end, the main decision still depends on you..

1 comentario:

Jon dijo...

We make choices. No one else can live our lives for us. And we must confront and accept the consequences of our actions. - Dream of the Endless in Neil Gaiman's The Sandman

Your post just made me recall this quote that I've been holding on for so long in my heart as a reminder of how important my choices and my responsibilities are, to remind me that in the end, we do what we must, and we do it alone.

Hopped in from trina's blog :) hope you don't mind me butting in here :D don't you just love it when you can tuck away thoughts in a place like this?