Last Saturday I was grateful enough to attend the wedding of a friend of mine, Tarin. It was simple yet a very romantic wedding with only close relatives and a few friends invited. I was fortunate enough to have witnessed the wonderful wedding ceremony of Tarin and Gilbert, as I lay witness to the love that they had for each other. As the church doors opened, a flight of butterflies were let loose as Tarin slowly walked down the aisle. The beautiful vision almost brought tears to our eyes for we have never seen Tarin so radiant and glowing. As the wedding took place, members of the Manila Philarmonic Orchestra serenaded the couple with songs that made the ceremony more solemn and romantic. Seeing Tarin and Gilbert get married was truly a sight. Somehow seeing them get married gave me hope that I will someday find the man that God has prepared for me and in the end get united with him in the same ceremony that Tarin and Gilbert were having at that moment. The celebration continued in Crowne Plaza, wherein the relatives and the closest friends enjoyed the food and entertainment as we rejoiced in the union of Tarin and Gilbert. Then the time came for the cake to be sliced and the bouquet to be tossed. To our surprise, the bride prepared a different kind of way of giving away the bouquet. What she did was she picked out 10 single women while the groom chose 10 single men. At first I wasn’t one of the 10 who were picked by Tarin because I was intentionally trying to keep away from Tarin’s sight to avoid being called. I keep on cheering Winsome and Pau to get in the middle of the reception area, when suddenly Tarin called my name asked me to be the 10th lady to join the group. All of my friends laughed out loud as I stood up and joined the group, sabi ko pa nga before I left our table..”grabe talaga ang bilis ng karma!” each of us 10 ladies were then given a yellow rose with a little bag tied to it while the guys on the other hand were given a big yellow balloon. The host then asked the ladies to open the bags attached to their rose and look what they have inside, at first I didn’t have an idea as to how the activity is going to work, but still I continued and took a peek at what’s inside my bag.. there I saw a small lock which I didn’t realized at that time what its purpose is…the guys were then asked to pop the balloons that they were holding and look for the key that’s inside.. it was then that I realized what is going to happen.. they lock represented the bouquet and one of the keys represented the wedding garter! Huwaaaaahhhhh!!!!! This cant be happening! Ayoko!!!!!!! I can see my friends from my table laughing out loud as they realize what was going to happen… I was cringing.. the host then asked me to sit in a chair and then placed a blindfold to cover my eyes.. each of the 10 guys then had their turns in trying to open the lock that I had with the key that they got.. some of the guys were quite funny trying their luck in opening the lock while some were quite serious in doing so.. until one guy was able to open it. I tried removing my blindfold but the host told me not to do so first, till she introduces who the guy is…coincidentally, the guy who’s name is Rico (if I remember it right) is also Tarin’s officemate right now in Deustche Bank while I have worked previously with Tarin in IBS. In fairness Rico is good looking and seems to be really nice. As the groom was removing the wedding garter from Tarin, the host started to introduced us to each other. I know where this is going to lead and I am thankful that I was wearing slacks that day. That gave me an excuse not to have the garter be placed in my legs by Rico. It just seems embarrassing to have my slacks to be pulled up in front of many people. Hehehe.. I gave the host a piercing stare just to let her know what I am thinking. Thank God she got the message. So instead of having the garter placed down there, it was placed in my right arm. Rico and I were both ready to go back to our seats when the host asked us to share a dance with the bride and groom! Oh my! If there was one talent that I know I didn’t have, that would be the ability to dance.. and now I’m being put in a situation wherein I have to dance in front of other people!!! Nooo!!!!! At the same time, I think Rico was also shocked since he said that he also doesn’t know how to dance! Hahahaha.. that makes it the two of us then making a fool of ourselves…there in the middle of the dance floor we humiliatingly tried dance to the tune of a wedding song which at that time we thought was quite long…to kill time while dancing we had a conversation about how we were both related to Tarin and how Tarin has helped us in one way or another. Without us even noticing it, the song has ended and we both made our way to our seats. That was one hell of an experience cuz it was fun and I don’t get to experience it that much. I am glad that I became a part of Tarin’s wedding and I had so much fun celebrating it with the people that I have enjoyed working with for the past 1 ½ years. To Winsome, Beth, Cris, Pau, Sig, Tope and Jeff, thanks to for the company! Its such a bittersweet feeling that I had that day because I was happy to be in the company of the people I had fun working with and at the same time I was also sad because I know what I am missing everyday. But then again, I am thankful for the chance and the short time that I was given to spend with you.